12 ways to go green at home for St. Patrick’s Day

st patricks day, st paddys day, going green, home insurance, florida

St. Patrick’s Day is around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than to sprinkle some green around your home – and we don’t mean green paint.

There are so many ways to “go green”, or be eco-friendly, within your own home. These can range from simple tricks to more life-altering changes. But while the bigger changes may take time (and sometimes, money!) the small changes are usually super easy and cheap to implement within your household.

Here some small, easy green choices we can make right at home. Choose three that you’re not already doing and make them a habit for St. Patrick’s Day!

1.  Plant a simple backyard garden. 

2.  Switch your light bulbs to energy efficient types.

3.  Start using some reusable bags

6. Buy reusable water bottles, and stop buying plastic bottles.

7. Wash laundry in cold water instead of hot.

8. Turn off lights when you leave the room.  


9. Switch to renewable energy provider

10. Opt out of snail mail

11. Line dry your laundry

12.  Use cloth instead of paper to clean your kitchen. 

Happy St. Paddy’s!

Does your home insurance provider offers discounts for going green? Find a carrier that does by HoneyQuote!

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